Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Inner peace…. Inner…. Inner peace…..

I was recently watching Kung Fu Panda 2, again. And I recall here, the one scene where Master Shefu is trying to attain inner peace. In the movie, they show that to attain greatness and satisfaction from one’s life, you need to attain inner peace. Seeing it, you think, oh come on, I am at peace with myself. But when you really look carefully, you will question, are you truly at peace with yourself?

Life is a collection of moments, good and bad - involving relationships, friendships, acquaintances - and how you are able to cope with them. Many instances are witnessed, when the human brain conks off because of expectations from these interactions. Expectations are good but sometimes, they can be the deadliest killers.  What do you do? It is all but natural to expect. It is human nature. And let me tell you, we all are the same. Nobody can live without expecting. What is necessary is to understand what to expect and what not.

Each and every person you know is like you, going through good or bad times at a given point. So, expecting them to be there with you every single time when you need them, to celebrate your happy times or share your sorrow, is asking too much from anyone. Don't you sometimes feel not to be a part of someone else's good/bad times, just because you are not up for it? The same applies on the flip side of the coin as well. It is better not to expect, as then you will not be left in the lurch, or left disappointed.

It is difficult to master this. What you need to know is if there is someone from whom you can expect anything, it is YOU.  For this, you need to understand yourself totally. Give yourself time. It is good to mingle with friends/acquaintances, but more important to give time for yourself, away from everyone. It is imperative to introspect. You need to make your best friend (your inner self) understand you totally. 

Believe me, once you do this, then you will not need anyone at any point of time. Yes, of course, if you have someone with whom you can share your feelings, it is very good. But even otherwise, you always have your best buddy with you, who will be there at every second of your life. That person will come with you, wherever you go, be it work, play, lunches, dinners, movies or just a nice relaxing walk. You are then, never alone. Sometimes even shadows fail to follow you, but he will always be there. You always have a constant company, and since you are in constant contact with your best friend, you attain inner peace. It becomes so relaxing..

It took me time to get to this situation. I was always trying to make sure that I keep the people around me in good spirits. I felt it gave me happiness. But slowly, I started to realize, am I really happy? Is my inner self happy? I realized I had almost neglected my best buddy in the quest of keeping others happy. It did not go well with me. I worked on it and made sure I regained myself. Of course, my two other close companions were there, supporting me, my iPod and my Camera. What started off as an occasional thing, turned more into a routine, and believe you me, I no longer yearn for any company. As I said, if I have company, well and good, but if I do not, for whatever reason, well and goodJ. Now, it gives me happiness that I am able to get through days without much ado. I am at ease, being with myself, able to do what I want to do, how I want to do, where and when I want to do. And I know that come what may, I have my best buddy with me as well as my close companions. What more can you ask for!

Life definitely is beautiful.

I have Inner Peace… Inner… Inner peace….


Soumya KATAMANI said...

That was a great piece of writing. You speak my mind... ;)

GPK said...

Very profound and sagacious !
May the inner peace be with you always ! :-)